March 24, 2023

Cosmology: mass distribution in the universe

Interesting facts about the average distribution of matter in the universe can be found in the DISCOVER paper Taking the Measure of Nothing in the Universe (Corey S Powell, Feb 1 2017). 

But very few of that mass is ordinary matter. Indeed, in the cited paper we read:

If you average out the entire cosmos, there is a total mass density of 9.9 x 10^-30 grams per cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to 5.9 protons per cubic meter. Note that I was describing mass density, however, not particle density. According to the latest data from the Planck satellite, only 4.8 percent of that density consists of ordinary matter, mostly hydrogen nuclei (protons). On average, then, there is 0.3 atoms per cubic meter of space.

Picture - Hubble Ultra Deep Field - from Wikipedia

March 18, 2023

BOR confisca educatia: religia la bac si eliminarea diversitatii din curriculum

Cum de s-a ajuns de la controversatul lobby plingacios/amenintator/"duhovnicesco-mafiot" - cel care se fofileaza si se strecoara cu o "diplomatica" impertinenta, fortand usi, geamuri, impingand curriculum-ul, treptat, si "pe nesimtite", catre "facultativa" ora de religie in scoala, la ideea de religie la bac? Adding insult to injury: cere si eliminarea diversitatii din programa scolara (care mi se pare chiar su mai grav)! 

WTF ?!!! Incredibila seria acestor bizantinisme rusinoase din care Romania nu poate iesi!

March 1, 2023

Church and cultural appropriation

Cultural appropriation will get you, sooner or later. Willingly or unwillingly, everybody will be packaged as if she/he would have lived "for the glory of the church". Especially if they are unprepared or unable to push back.