September 26, 2023

Phenomenology as the quick cheap fix

When one has nothing to say, nowadays it looks like one just has to enlist phenomenology! It's a cheap, quick fix for those in need of an aura of intellectual respectability. Some are in need of "spicing up" theological doctrine, others are UFO nutcases in need of a pair of nuts, and so on. No problem, just claim "phenomenology is on your side" (with a "god is on your side" Dylanesque flavor), parade a list of names (Husserl is always the start, but the list is long and your can "jazz" it up when adapting it to your needs), and voila, you are in business! Or, shall I say, maybe one rather "gets the feeling* (as in "phenomenological feeling") of "being in business" - a subjective victory of sorts (since in there, there is something for everybody). 

This is a pity, since even if phenomenology has some merits (which I am ready to accept mainly due to the founder), hype is bad, and overrating it alters the message (even if some may argue that it is a zero-measure message). 

Comparatively, atheists and agnostics of the world historically got a real, palpable, non-zero-measure boost with the advent of evolutionary thought.

September 11, 2023

Save the bees advice

 The following advice is offered at

  • Plant a Bee Garden
  • Go Chemical-Free for Bees
  • Become a Community Scientist
  • Provide Trees for Bees
  • Create a Bee Bath
  • Protect Ground Nesting Bees
  • Leave Stems Behind
  • Teach Tomorrow’s Bee Stewards
  • Host a Fundraiser
  • Support Local Beekeepers and Organizations

Bees at Black Swamp Festival 2023

Some bee photos from the 2023 Black Swamp festival (Bowling Green, OH)

September 8, 2023

Educatia vs. presiunea bisericii

In loc de nonsensul cu "reasezarea educatiei pe principii bisericesti", prea-nefericitul ar face bine sa reaseze institutia bisericii in afara sistemului educational. Asta ar fi solutia onorabila!

Laicitatea este OK.