December 31, 2024

Moving on - ginduri de An Nou

De Anul Nou gindurile ma duc la un coleg (former Department Chair) genial, care are urmatorul talent: in momente dificile sau dezbateri care (d)evolueaza in tensiune si/sau confuzie, reuseste sa sparga gheata si sa aduca o reinnoita stare de concentratie si calm la masa discutiilor printr-o simpla fraza:

Moving on!

O fraza scurta cu efecte surprinzator de puternice.

De Anul Nou doresc Romaniei rinnoirea drumului sau european, Cit mai departe de haosul "suveranist" suportat si incurajat de ne-prietenii Romaniei.

Un acelasi "Moving on!" pentru noi toti.

Catre Europa inseamna catre noi.

December 4, 2024

Memories - a beautiful campus and an abstract - 27 years ago

I vividly remember that talk. 

People were great! Added bonus: the campus and the nature were amazing. 

I could recover my abstract from


So... about 27 years years ago:


Presentation Date 10-23-1997 

Abstract A classical problem considered by Davenport asks for the number of occurrences of a certain pattern of quadratic residues and nonresidues among the set of integers modulo a prime p. We will take this problem as a starting point of an itinerary revealing the interplay between quasirandom structures over finite fields, definable subsets of finite fields, character sums and coding theory. 

Additional Details Thursday, October 23, 1997 4:10 p.m. in MA 109 Coffee/Tea/Treats 3:30 p.m. in MA 104 (Lounge)