December 20, 2023

Many thanks and gratitude to my students!

At the end of every semester, I find myself amazed, impressed, and grateful seeing amazingly uplifting comments from my students. This gives me the power to move on. Some excerpts from evaluations for my Discrete Mathematics class - Fall 2023:

"I think this course is a great introduction to higher level math, its related language, terminology, as well as higher-level working logic. I enjoyed this class as it dove into many of the mysterious, hidden patterns that I have seen in math for several years. It is interesting to learn all of these things and finally learn the "secrets" behind math."


"The materials in discrete math reminded me a lot of the materials in the digital logic class I took the semester prior. I enjoy all things math and I also enjoyed that digital logic class as well. It was nice to be able to build upon that knowledge and become more familiar with the theory behind topics such as k-maps, modules, and decryption. Decryption and it's multiple theories was one topic that I think interested me the most."

November 29, 2023

Remembering my mother Aurelia Caragiu


Aurelia Caragiu (11/27/1932 - 2/2/2022), quick notes to self, thinking about the early years:

In grade school, she taught me calligraphy, encouraged me to write summaries (I liked that, so I moved on recursively, writing summaries of summaries and so on in a convergent process to the essential - if any), bought me popular Science books on Christmas, pretended not to notice that I stole some old physical chemistry textbooks from the cellar - writing summaries in the fashionable student notebooks that I loved, but most importantly she progressively pretty much allowed me to do whatever I wanted (including me going with other kids in the neighborhood to walk in the park, play football, or catch tiny fish in the central lake - even if that resulted in some cuts on my feet). 
Her letting me go was an act of both love, pragmatism, and sacrifice since I was not the only child and the others had really pressing needs at times (about that, later - anyway it could have gotten really complicated). 
In the middle school, again, she gave me lots of freedom - and I greedily took it all - so I went to various clubs, museums, movies, walks, stayed late in the municipal library, etc. There was no turning back, but her love and sacrifice for all of us will not be forgotten. In a sense I am still processing this at a deeper level.


November 14, 2023

Memo 4 - After The Snow The Fragrance

Not to be forgotten: our summer group listening sessions in the early 80's - Music For Zen Meditation And Other Joys (1964 by Tony Scott, Shinichi Yuize, and Hōzan Yamamoto) at Razvan's home; we were five high school students living in an oppressive dictatorship; after those sessions ended we departed free and in meaningful silence. Particularly fond of After The Snow The Fragrance...


  • Is Not All One
  • The Murmuring Sound Of The Mountain Stream
  • A Quivering Leaf Ask The Winds
  • After The Snow The Fragrance
  • To Drift Like Clouds
  • Za Zen (Meditation)
  • Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya Sutra (Sutra Chant)
  • Sanzen (Moment Of Truth)
  • Satori (Enlightenment)

November 7, 2023

In the library

I love that tranquil space in the library. It feels good even without picking a book.

42+ years later - Kozyrev-Grinberg for my students


In one of my classes, this past week we discussed Kozyrev-Grinberg theory (for me it brought back ideas that I felt passionate about 42 years ago - it felt good to resuscitate them, and my students apparently liked it).

October 13, 2023

A masterpiece: The Inner Light (Star Trek TNG)

Star Trek TNG's episode "The Inner Light" (Season 5, Episode 25 - June 1, 1992) was aired today on Heroes and Icons HD. It is a masterpiece, arguably the best Star Trek TNG episode. For the record, I paste here the plot from Wikipedia alongside George Harrison's "The Inner Light"

On stardate 45944.1, the Enterprise-D finishes a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium system and finds an unknown probe. The device rapidly scans the ship and directs an energy beam at Captain Picard, who wakes up to find himself on Kataan, a non-Federation planet. A woman, Eline, tells Picard that he is Kamin, an iron weaver recovering from a fever, and that she is his wife. Picard speaks of his life on the Enterprise but Eline and their close friend Batai try to convince Picard that his memories were only dreams and incorporate him into their society as Kamin. Picard begins living his life as Kamin in his village, Ressik, having children with Eline and learning to play the flute. Kamin spends much time outdoors and with his Dobsonian telescope studying nature. As years pass, he begins to notice that the drought is caused by increased radiation from the planet's sun. He sends reports to the planet's leaders, who seem to ignore his concerns. 

On Enterprise, the crew continues attempts to revive Picard. They try to block the influence of the probe but Picard nearly dies, so they are forced to let it continue. They trace the rocket's trajectory to a system whose sun went nova 1,000 years before, rendering life extinct in the system. 

Years pass and Kamin outlives Eline and Batai. Kamin and his daughter Meribor continue their study of the drought. They find that it is not temporary; the extinction of life on the planet is inevitable. Kamin confronts a government official who privately admits to him that they already know this but keep it secret to avoid panic. The official gravely points out to Kamin that they have only recently launched artificial satellites using primitive rockets: their race simply does not possess the technology to evacuate people before their planet is rendered uninhabitable. 

One day, while playing with his grandson, Kamin is summoned by his adult children to watch the launch of a rocket, which everyone seems to know about except him. As he walks outside into the glaring nova light, Kamin sees Eline and Batai, as young as when he first saw them. They explain that he has already seen the rocket, just before he came there. Knowing that their planet was doomed, the planet's leaders placed memories of their society into a probe and launched it into space, in the hope that it would find someone who could tell others about their species. Picard realizes the context: "Oh, it's me, isn't it?", he says, "I'm the someone... I'm the one it finds", realizing that Kamin was the avatar they chose to represent their race. 

Picard wakes up on the bridge of the Enterprise to discover that while he perceived many decades to have transpired, only 25 minutes have passed. The probe terminates and is brought aboard the Enterprise. Inside, the crew finds a small box. Riker gives the box to Picard, who opens it to find Kamin's flute. Picard, now adept at the instrument, plays a melody he learned during his life as Kamin.


October 2, 2023

Lima OH multicultural fair (September 30, 2023)

On 9/30/2023 I really enjoyed a multicultural fair in Lima, OH, featuring Indian, Nigerian, and other cultures. 

For India, a Lima young lady danced a wonderful dance of Siva (afterwards she told us that she learned the dance online - she was from Lima OH), and a boy (I suppose less than 8 years old) presented the activities of the latest Moon landing of the India space program. 

Then a team of African American ladies (I understood they came from Chicago) performed a really professional series of amazingly athletic team dances. 

I am including some photos and recordings (two Nigerian dances) from the event. 

It was well-organized, fun, and artsy.


And now the two recordings (short clips):


September 26, 2023

Phenomenology as the quick cheap fix

When one has nothing to say, nowadays it looks like one just has to enlist phenomenology! It's a cheap, quick fix for those in need of an aura of intellectual respectability. Some are in need of "spicing up" theological doctrine, others are UFO nutcases in need of a pair of nuts, and so on. No problem, just claim "phenomenology is on your side" (with a "god is on your side" Dylanesque flavor), parade a list of names (Husserl is always the start, but the list is long and your can "jazz" it up when adapting it to your needs), and voila, you are in business! Or, shall I say, maybe one rather "gets the feeling* (as in "phenomenological feeling") of "being in business" - a subjective victory of sorts (since in there, there is something for everybody). 

This is a pity, since even if phenomenology has some merits (which I am ready to accept mainly due to the founder), hype is bad, and overrating it alters the message (even if some may argue that it is a zero-measure message). 

Comparatively, atheists and agnostics of the world historically got a real, palpable, non-zero-measure boost with the advent of evolutionary thought.

September 11, 2023

Save the bees advice

 The following advice is offered at

  • Plant a Bee Garden
  • Go Chemical-Free for Bees
  • Become a Community Scientist
  • Provide Trees for Bees
  • Create a Bee Bath
  • Protect Ground Nesting Bees
  • Leave Stems Behind
  • Teach Tomorrow’s Bee Stewards
  • Host a Fundraiser
  • Support Local Beekeepers and Organizations

Bees at Black Swamp Festival 2023

Some bee photos from the 2023 Black Swamp festival (Bowling Green, OH)

August 25, 2023

13 August 1992 - prima mea zi in America

Pe 13 August 1992 am ajuns in America, la JFK. Acolo am fost intimpinat de Liviu, Andrei, si Viorel. Dupa ore si ore petrecute intr-un zgomot asurzitor pe autostrada, am ajuns in sfirsit in State College, Pennsylvania. 

Comparativ, o liniste serena, de neuitat.

Imagine - Beaver Avenue (sursa - Wikipedia)



'Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious' ~ Carl G. Jung

Nice gardening adding value to the fence


June 28, 2023

Dr. Khristo Boyadzhiev (September 4, 1948 - June 28, 2023) - in memoriam


Dear colleagues,

It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the death of our colleague and friend, Emeritus Prof. Dr. Khristo Boyadzhiev, who passed away last night after battling a prolonged illness.

With a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria in 1978, Khristo came to ONU in 1990 and has been a Professor of Mathematics since 2000.

During his years at ONU he was the heart and intellectual power engine of our small Mathematics community, whether the Mathematics and Statistics Department and lately the Mathematics Program.

Khristo was a prolific researcher. He has more than 98 publications, and published three books in the prestigious World Scientific (“Notes on the Binomial Transform” – 2018 and “Special Techniques for Solving Integrals” – 2022).

He served ONU for an impressive number of years: 32 years of teaching, from 1990 to 2022.

Among his professional recognitions while an ONU faculty, one can mention:

* The 2013 Carl B. Allendoerfer Award (national recognition granted by the Mathematical Association of America – MAA) for the article “Close Encounters with the Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind” - Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 85, no. 4, October 2012, 252-266).
* Mary Reichelderfer Chair in Mathematics for 2013-2014, 2006-2007, 1995-1996, 1994-1995, and 1993-1994.
* Faculty Research and Scholarship Award: Recognition of Achievement – 2019
* ONU Summer Research Stipend – 2014
* Presented numerous conference talks, and gave 7 invited talks.
* Recognized more than 40 times for his excellent solutions sent to mainstream Mathematics journals such as American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Magazine, College Mathematics Journal, and Fibonacci Quarterly. Moreover 8 of his solutions have been featured by publication in the respective journals.
* Khristo initiated the Mathematics Seminar at ONU and he was the Seminar coordinator for many years. The Seminar was, and continues to be, one of the central mathematical activities at ONU, and will be forever linked to the name of Khristo Boyadzhiev.

For all his activity and kind spirit, Khristo will be greatly missed.
He will remain forever in our hearts!
Mihai Caragiu, ONU Mathematics Program Lead

RIP beloved Mixie (April 14, 2004 - June 28, 2023)!

Today, Mixie (April 14, 2004 - June 28, 2023) decided it's really time to cross the rainbow bridge. 

Until we meet again, sweetie! 💔


June 21, 2023

June 4, 2023

Fragmentarium Carmen, Zen moments 2014, 2015

  • December 20, 2014 - Carmen replies to a photo from "La page de Maître Zen" shared by Liliana Catanoiu: "Thank you, Liliana. I love Zen Spirit ! To see in the little things the great miracles. Happy Sunday!"

  • March 21, 2014 - Ravi Chandrasekhar (Carmen's avatar) shared Zen music on Carmen's timeline, with the comment "Un sedativ fara contraindicatii" (relaxing pill without contraindications)
  • February 12, 2015 - Ravi Chandrasekhar (Carmen's avatar) shared "Zen and Quantum Psysics with Vincent Keisen Vuillemin and Andrei Dorobanțu" with the mention "A serious gift on Valentine's Day"

Early morning


May 18, 2023

Memo 2: Trataka

Further remembering about myself:

Trataka (Sanskrit n. त्राटक Trāṭak: "look, gaze") is a yogic purification (a shatkarma) and a tantric method of meditation that involves staring at a single point such as a small object, black dot or candle flame.


Image source:

May 16, 2023

Verses for my Maggie (2003-2022)

To my Maggie (2003-2022)

Pe o strada lungă scurtă
Maggie se ducea venind
Într-o tăcere profundă
Cu mare atenție moțăind.
În umbra unui felinar
O auzeam ușor torcând
Strecurată într-un sertar