December 29, 2021

„Ce știe doctorii, nu știe nimic!” - obscurantism ieri si azi

Recomandare de lectura: Din carnetul unui medic de plasă: „Cine ești dumneata, de ai venit să ne strici obiceiurile păstrate din moși-strămoși?” (Mira Kaliani in 

Atitudinea anti-stiinta cu radacini in obscurantism religios din trecut - in cuvintele remarcabilului medic George Ulieru (1884-1943) "intunericul din lumea satelor" - prezinta, din pacate, similaritati ingrijoratoare cu situatia in care societatea romaneasca se afla azi, in prag de 2022.

December 27, 2021

Michael Mann on “Don’t Look Up”: DO see this film!

“Don’t Look Up” - review by Michael E. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University. 

SOURCE: Red Green and Blue: Michael Mann on “Don’t Look Up”: DO see this film!

"I’ll be honest. “Don’t Look Up” had me at the opening scene. Leonardo DiCaprio as a low-level astrophysicist (Dr. Randall Mindy), Jennifer Lawrence as his talented graduate student (Kate Dibiasky) and a bobblehead of legendary science communicator, the late Carl Sagan (a personal hero of mine) visible on their lab desk.
A comedy featuring chic geek scientists, one of the most visionary directors Adam McKay behind the camera, and a favorite actor (and friend) Leo DiCaprio in the lead role. A start-studded cast featuring many of today’s most featured actors: Jonah Hill, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchette (and for my 16 year old daughter’s generation, Timothee Chalamet and Ariane Grande). What—literally—is not to like here?
But like many of McKay’s films, including Vice, The Big Short and The Campaign, there’s more than initially meets the eye here. For this isn’t just a funny film. It’s serious sociopolitical commentary posing as comedy. “Don’t Look Up” is indisputably a cautionary tale about the climate crisis in the form of an inventive and genre-bending (action/adventure/dystopia/satire) major motion picture. The biting McKay humor stiches it all together. It’s the spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down.
McKay recognizes that hard truths are often difficult to deliver as straight-up commentary. People are resistant to messages they don’t want to hear, especially in the toxic political economy that prevails today. We can’t barge in through the front door. It’s locked. So we look for a another way in. Humor and satire provide just such a side door. (I’m a convert to this way of thinking—in “The Madhouse Effect” I partnered with Washington Post editorial cartoonist Tom Toles to use humor and satire to communicate the climate crisis). So do powerful metaphors. And that’s what this film really is: a powerful extended metaphor for the unfolding climate crisis.
I don’t believe in spoilers, so I won’t unveil the film’s denouement. But I will unpack just enough of the plot to reveal the film’s larger message.
Let’s start with the title of the film itself. “Just Look Up”—that’s all people need to do to see there’s an imminent crisis unfolding. But they won’t. It’s soothing and convenient to ignore the overwhelming evidence. Much like it’s become politically expedient for some (in particular, the Republican Party and the polluters they coddle) to ignore the overwhelming science behind human-caused climate change despite the fact that the impacts have become so obvious you just need to look at your television screens to see them playing out in real time (and yes, while the screenplay was written before the COVID-19 crisis, there are similar lessons here too when it comes to ideologically-motivated science denial).
Now the story. It starts when the two astrophysicists (Dr. Mindy and Dibiasky) detect a Mt Everest-sized planet-killing comet hurdling toward Earth. Understandably horrified by what they’ve discovered, they set out to warn the world. And high jinks, naturally, ensue.
Dr. Mindy is a typical scientist. His admonitions are muted, non-committal and laden in caveats. Dibiasky, on the other hand, is blunt. The two are invited to appear on The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). Dr. Mindy describes what they’ve discovered in measured tones which mesh with the hosts light-hearted, whimsical take on their findings. Dibiasky, by contrast, literally screams at the top of her lungs, chiding the hosts—and the viewers--for dismissing the impending peril. At the end of the show, he’s invited back. She’s not. Could McKay be telling us that our mainstream media is much more willing to tolerate soft-peddled, wishy-washy characterizations of climate change than stark, blunt warnings of the impending climate crisis?
Every tale needs a villain. Here it’s 60 something white male technocrat billionaire Peter Isherwell. He’s dismissive of a government plan to launch an array of missiles to destroy the comet now. Instead, he supports an alternative (rather risky) private sector effort to wait and send a fleet of space drones that will break up the comet into smaller pieces from which valuable ore can be mined and returned to Earth. And yes, he stands to profit greatly from the venture. Could this be a metaphor for tech billionaires who talk down the potential for rapid deployment of renewable energy today to decarbonize our economy quickly and safely, instead promoting future techno-fixes (geoengineering, carbon capture and “next generation” nuclear reactors) in which they are personally invested (yes, we’re looking at you Bill Gates)?
I watched the film with my family in the comforts of our home. It resonated with each of us in different ways. A high-point for my daughter was the hilarious interaction between millenial superstar singer Riley Bina (Ariana Grande) and old-timer Dr. Mindy in The Daily Grip’s green room. I won’t spoil it for you, but my daughter, convinced that some aspects of Leo’s character might have been inspired by her Dad’s own quirks and foibles, felt it put me firmly in my place.
See this film with your friends and family members this holiday season. And if you know someone who thinks that climate change either isn’t real, doesn’t constitute a crisis, or is beyond any hope, bring them with you."

Follow Michael E. Mann on Twitter or Facebook to be notified of new blog posts, or subscribe by RSS.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

December 24, 2021

Moral philosophy: why an ethical governance must require vaccination

  • An ethical state/government/authority must protect the health of the public. 
  • Protecting the health of the public is hard-to-impossible if the health-care system is overwhelmed.
  • With high probability, severe/protracted/deadly cases are more likely for the unvaccinated. That's scientific fact.
  • Therefore with high probability, the unvaccinated are bound to overwhelm the health-care system in a severe, highly-transmissible, pandemic.
  • Therefore in a severe highly-transmissible pandemic an ethical state/government/authority must require vaccination (in conjunction with all the other necessary measures such as mask mandates or maintaining social distance).
  • In particular, this applies to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is severe and highly-transmissible. That is supported by the available data (277 million cases and 5.38 million deaths worldwide reported as of 12/23/2021).

December 22, 2021


Right on the Winter solstice I got my Pfizer booster shot. Here I am back in my office. Below, an eerie image from Ada, the night before.

December 14, 2021

Brains as prediction machines - Quanta Magazine

To Be Energy-Efficient, Brains Predict Their Perceptions


`Results from neural networks support the idea that brains are “prediction machines” — and that they work that way to conserve energy.'

November 23, 2021

November 22, 2021

Not Fade Away - Grateful Dead / Buddy Holly cover

Misinformation, suspicion and religious conservatism: a deadly combo

Bodies pile up outside hospital morgue as Romania struggles with fourth wave of Covid

By Cristiana Moisescu and Ben Wedeman, CNN

Updated 6:27 AM ET, Mon November 22, 2021

"Look at the reality," said Col. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghita, an army doctor who runs the national vaccination campaign. "We have our intensive care units full of patients. We have lots of new cases. We have, unfortunately, hundreds of deaths every day. So this is the reality. And more than 90% of patients who died were unvaccinated."


On COVID or climate, disinformation virus finds new ways to propagate in society

Conspirationistii paraziteaza in egala masura (prin abundente "teorii" rogue - or shall I say dirty yet somewhat novel PR) comunicarea (outreach) atit dinspre stiintele climatice cit si cea dinspre biologie moleculara/virologie.

Through disinformation, conspiracists become themselves "viral agents" of an informational sort...

November 20, 2021

Answer to a FAQ: no, vaccinated people are not ‘just as infectious’ as unvaccinated people if they get COVID


"How concerned should we be? Are vaccinated people just as contagious as unvaccinated? What does this mean for future plans for reopening?
These studies only show a similar peak viral load, which is the highest amount of virus in the system over the course of the study.

But vaccinated people clear the virus faster, with lower levels of virus overall, and have less time with very high levels of virus present.

Therefore, vaccinated people are, on average, likely to be less contagious."

For more details, check No, vaccinated people are not ‘just as infectious’ as unvaccinated people if they get COVID (The Conversation, November 17 2021)

November 6, 2021

Why the E Street Band are the quintessential Rock and Roll Hall of Famers

That's why: 

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out (Live in New York City)

In a comment, it is pointed out that:
"Only Bruce and E Street could:
-Start a song
-Go into a rendition of Take Me To The River
-Lead into a gospel-like soul-searching sermon
-Introduce the band
-and then FINISH the song they started with
...and make the whole thing work"

November 3, 2021

ACTIVENEWS's "WITNESSES" - fact checking the Romanian anti-vaxxers agitprop

Fact checking the Romanian anti-vaccine propaganda (along the lines of Capsali - ActiveNews - as summarized in the mouthful garbage found here), in a moment when Romania faces a catastrophic number of COVID-19 deaths ("Romania Hits Pandemic Death Record of 591 as Vaccines Lag" - AP News).

So... here we go, debunking ActiveNews' "witnesses":


DEBUNKING WITNESS #1: "Michael Yeadon - fost cercetator sef Pfizer": „Acest sistem este construit folosind minciuni si este astfel modelat cu un scop si cred ca acest scop este controlul complet totalitar si mai cred ca scopul acestuia este depopularea lumii”.

  • Fact check - Fact check: Ex-Pfizer scientist repeats COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in recorded speech VERDICT - False. Infected but symptom-free people can spread the coronavirus; vaccinated people are better protected but not 100% immune; research shows COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for adults and pregnant women.
  • Does the COVID-19 Vaccine Affect Fertility? Here’s What the Experts Say “While there is no reason to believe the vaccine poses a risk to women who are pregnant or are trying to conceive, there is evidence about the danger of COVID-19 infection to pregnant women, which is a reason they should embrace rather than avoid vaccination. “Pregnant women get sicker when they get COVID compared to other people their age, and pregnant people with COVID are more likely to experience preterm delivery,” Morris said. “The effect of COVID disease on pregnancy is real, and it’s important to prevent.” Similarly, Hsu recommends the COVID vaccine for men concerned about their fertility because of the possible effects that COVID-19 disease could have on their reproductive system. To address this issue, he recently published a peer-reviewed journal article that discussed the potential negative impact of the COVID-19 disease on testicular function, sperm production and male fertility. Some studies have shown that the SARS-COV-2 virus has been found in the sperm of men with COVID-19 infection, the SARS-CoV-2 virus may impact male hormones necessary for normal sperm production, and there are numerous reports of men with testicular or scrotal pain after getting the COVID-19 disease. “Men who are worried about their fertility should probably get the COVID-19 vaccine,” Hsu said, “as there are some concerns about the potential effect of COVID-19 disease on male fertility.” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #2 "Dr. Peter McCullough - medic epidemiolog": „Toate lucrurile au inceput sa se lege si am inceput sa avem sentimentul ca se intampla ceva rau…” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #3: "Dr. Ryan Cole - medic patolog"

  • FactCheck Posts › SciCheck Idaho Doctor Makes Baseless Claims About Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines By Saranac Hale Spencer SciCheck Digest - A viral video features a doctor making dubious claims about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho’s lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments.

DEBUNKING WITNESS #4: "Insusi inventatorul testului PCR, castigator al premiului Nobel, Kary Mullis, a declarat ca acest test nu este o metoda de diagnostic".

  • FactCheck: Did the creator of PCR tests say they don't work for Covid-19? The Verdict - PCR testing is effective at testing for Covid-19 and other viruses, and is widely considered to be the gold standard for virus testing. The method does not result in an abundance of false positives, and a PCR test for Covid-19 will not simply detect “anything” in an individual. Claims on social media have either incorrectly or misleadingly – depending on the claim – attributed quotes to the creator of PCR testing, Kary Mullis, that suggest he was opposed to using PCR tests to test for viruses like Covid-19. Of the two “quotes” attributed to him most frequently in these claims, one of them was taken out of context in a misleading way, and another was not said by Mullis but by a writer and has also been misinterpreted. Mullis died before the first cases of Covid-19 were reported, and could not have commented specifically on the effectiveness of PCR testing for Covid-19. As a result, we rate the claim that the creator of PCR tests said they do not work for Covid-19: FALSE. 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #5: "Dr. Dan Erickson - medic ATI": Au sustinut: „Am fost presati sa adaugam covid pe lista de diagnostice”, in timp ce noi credem ca nu are nici o legatura cu cauza reala a decesului. 

  • ‘Reckless and untested musings’: Health experts criticize 2 doctors urging ease on social distancing LOS ANGELES - Two California doctors who made headlines for downplaying the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling for an end to social distancing orders, have been called out by medical experts for spreading misinformation. Following the claims made by Erickson and Massihi, The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) issued a statement of condemnation against the two doctors, saying that their members “jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi,” and assailing their claims as “reckless.” The new guidelines are aimed at easing restrictions in areas with low coronavirus transmission rates. “These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.”… “The data cited by Drs. Erickson and Massihi is extrapolated from a small population to the state of California, resulting in misleading conclusions regarding the mortality of COVID-19.” The organization added. Even as the two doctors claim the coronavirus mortality rate is overstated, most experts say the death toll for the virus is likely undercounted. 
  • FACT CHECK - Two doctors from Bakersfield, California, called for an end to statewide shutdowns and said testing data showed the infection fatality rate in California to be 0.03%. Experts said their calculations were faulty because the data they used to extrapolate to the entire state was “not representative of the state of California.” Video of their press conference was removed from YouTube. Leading medical associations “emphatically condemn(ed)” their findings in a statement. 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #6: "Dr. Scott Jensen - medic de familie si senator": „Ca medic, am primit saptamana trecuta un email din partea Departamentului de Sanatate, in care sunt instruit cum sa completez certificatele de deces.” 

  • Video makes misleading claims about COVID case counts By JUDE JOFFE-BLOCK February 23, 2021 “A video circulating on Facebook makes misleading claims about a recent World Health Organization notice regarding COVID-19 testing. The video, created by former Minnesota state senator Dr. Scott Jensen, also falsely suggests an effort is underway to change the way COVID-19 cases are tallied so it will appear cases are falling under President Joe Biden. Jensen, a family physician, told The Associated Press his video repeated key points he had read in a Feb. 6 commentary piece that appeared on the website of the Independent Institute, a libertarian and conservative-leaning think tank. CLAIM: Flu cases plummeted in March 2020 because doctors were misdiagnosing patients as having COVID-19. THE FACTS: Flu cases did decline after COVID-19 became widespread, but not because of widespread misdiagnosis. Justman of Columbia University called the claim “not grounded in reality.” Medical experts say that the precautions people are taking to avoid COVID-19, wearing masks and social distancing, are also driving down flu rates. “People usually transmit flu when they have symptoms. So, of course, now in society, people are really avoiding people if they have symptoms,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a professor of medicine and associate dean at University of California San Francisco. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report published last fall found that after SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, began spreading in late February 2020, the portion of flu tests that were positive fell from 20% to just 2.3%. The same report also found fewer flu tests were conducted overall. The report attributed the decline to fewer people seeking out routine healthcare during the pandemic, as well as less flu virus circulating due to efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. The report said “initially” declines in flu activity “were attributed to decreased testing, because persons with respiratory symptoms were often preferentially referred for SARS-CoV-2 assessment and testing.” But the report goes on to say, “renewed efforts by public health officials and clinicians to test samples for influenza resulted in adequate numbers tested and detection of little to no influenza virus.”
DEBUNKING WITNESS #7: "Brian Rose - gazda emisiunii London Real"

DEBUNKING WITNESS #8: Ivory Hecker - "reporter denuntator": „M-au trimis acolo ca sa nu vorbesc despre tratamentul anticovid in acel spital. Nu trebuia sa pun acea intrebare. Privitorii sunt inselati cu o poveste fabricata cu multa atentie.’’ 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #9: "Prof. Dolores Cahill - biolog, imunolog" […] 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #10: Dr. Robert Malone: „Cenzura este in derulare de mai bine de un an. Totul este bine documentat, foarte clar.” 

  • The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation - Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology. Why is he trying so hard to undermine its use? “The irony is that, to the audiences who tune in to those shows, the vaccines are seen as a scourge rather than a godsend. No matter how nuanced Malone might try to be, or how many qualifiers he appends to his opinions, he is egging on vaccine hesitancy at a time when hospitals in the least-vaccinated parts of the country are struggling to cope with an influx of new COVID-19 patients. If you want proof of that, scroll through the many comments from his followers thanking him for confirming their fears. Malone has finally made his mark, by undermining confidence in the very vaccine he says wouldn’t be possible without his genius. It’s a victory, of sorts, but one that he and the rest of us may come to regret.”
  • Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines are not ‘cytotoxic’ (as claimed by Malone, Steve Kirsch and others -

DEBUNKING WITNESS #11: “Declaratia Great Barringhton, redactata si semnata de trei dintre cei mai mari experti mondiali in epidemiologie, boli infectioase si vaccinuri, zeci de mii de medici din intreaga lume si sute de mii de oameni. “ 

  • Fact check: 5 failings of the Great Barrington Declaration’s dangerous plan for COVID-19 natural herd immunity “4. The declaration misunderstands herd immunity. Herd immunity occurs when a large enough proportion of the population has immunity, usually more than 70 per cent. Viral spread is then slowed because the virus largely encounters immune people. Herd immunity can be safely achieved by vaccines, but in order to “naturally” develop herd immunity, people must first survive the infection. Despite more than nine million cases in the United States, less than 10 per cent of Americans have COVID-19 antibodies. Even if true caseloads were 10-fold greater than recognized, 94 per cent of people remain susceptible and, if rapidly infected, would swamp the health-care system and lead to many avoidable deaths. The declaration’s approach amounts to a global chickenpox party, a historical means of generating immunity to the varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox. Healthy children were put in close contact with an infected child so that all became infected with chickenpox. Unfortunately, even some healthy children suffered severe complications and unintended people were often infected. At least with chickenpox there was no risk of epidemic spread because society had herd immunity (which we lack for COVID-19).” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #12: "Dr. Byram Bridle - dr.imunologie virala": „Vreti ca vocea doctorilor si a oamenilor vostri de stiinta sa fie suprimata? Suntem impartiti in doua tabere acum, suntem polarizati.” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #13: "Dr. Patrick Phillips - medic de familie": „Se solicita investigarea si disciplinarea oricarui doctor care prezinta oricare din aspectele negative ale acestor interventii, indiferent de ce ar arata dovezile.” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #14: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: „Trebuie sa intelegeti ca numarul doctorilor si al oamenilor de stiinta care spun nu, tuturor (acestor politici) depaseste numarul celor care spun da.’’ 

  • Debunked: Yes, coronavirus antibodies protect against 'infection of the lung' A video shared online claimed that because antibodies produced as a result of the vaccine are in the blood, they don’t protect against Covid infection. This is false. “A MISLEADING CLAIM from a retired microbiologist about antibodies and Covid-19 has been shared in a Facebook post in the past week. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, who previously worked as a professor in the German University of Mainz, claimed it is “naive” to believe Covid-19 vaccines protect “against infection of the lung”. He claimed that because Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, and the antibodies created as a result of the vaccine are in the blood, vaccinated people are not protected against infection. This is untrue. The coronavirus does not only impact the respiratory tract and antibodies travel to the site of infection to fight illness. Dr Bhakdi has been factchecked elsewhere in the past. Teyit, a factcheck organisation based in Turkey, debunked claims he made about the effectiveness of Covid vaccines in reducing deaths.” 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #15: "Dr. Stella Immanuel - medic de familie" […] 

DEBUNKING WITNESS #16: "Robert Kennedy Jr. - avoca"t: […]

DEBUNKING WITNESS #17: "Heiko Schoning – medic" […]

DEBUNKING WITNESS #18: "Dr. Andrew Kaufmann - medic biologie moleculara": „Suntem prizonierii din ce in ce mai multor mutatii care pot fi folosite pentru manipularea noastra continua si interzicerea libertatilor.’’

  • FACT CHECK: The Psychiatrist Who Calmly Denies Reality “Dr. Andrew Kaufman made the rounds in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic by claiming the virus did not exist. Now, he leads anti-maskers in public demonstrations and tells hundreds of thousands of YouTube users that everything they know about medicine is wrong”
  • False claim: A COVID-19 vaccine will genetically modify humans “Most claims refer to a version of a now-deleted, widely shared YouTube video of Dr Andrew Kaufman, a “natural healing consultant” ( here ) in an interview with Spiro Skouras, an online-personality and “independent researcher” with a popular YouTube channel. In the video, Kaufman talks about how a future COVID-19 vaccine would provide a vessel to “inject genes” into humans, first by a procedure known as “electroporation”, in which an electric current “create[s] little holes in our cells that allow the DNA to go into our own cells” and then through the insertion of “foreign proteins that supposedly generate immunity”. Kaufman concludes that the vaccine, like the results of biotechnology in agriculture, will make humans “genetically modified organisms”.”

October 31, 2021

Health Care Workers Share Thoughts About Anti-Vaxxers (funny!)


These health care workers shared their honest thoughts about anti-vaxxers in this hilarious PSA on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’

October 29, 2021

Dōgen Zenji (1200 - 1253) Soto Zen



Dōgen Zenji (1200 - 1253) was a Japanese Buddhist priest, writer, poet, philosopher, and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan. 

Originally ordained as a monk in the Tendai School in Kyoto, he was ultimately dissatisfied with its teaching and traveled to China to seek out what he believed to be a more authentic Buddhism. Upon his return to Japan, he began promoting the practice of zazen (sitting meditation) through literary works. He eventually left Kyoto for the mountainous countryside where he founded the monastery Eihei-ji, which remains the head temple of the Sōtō school today. 

Art - Zen Circle by John Rossi 
Music: Zen Shakuhachi - Kyotaku 
Daylight - Shakuhachi, Hang and Gongs


"Sitting is the gateway of truth to total liberation" ~Dogen Zenji 

October 23, 2021

Easy Sleazy: Jagger and Grohl mocking anti-vaxxers

Mick Jagger and Dave Grohl mock anti-vaxxers in new song

“Shooting the vaccine, Bill Gates is in my bloodstream. It’s mind control,” 

 “The Earth is flat and cold, it’s never warming up. The Arctic’s tundra turned to slush, the second coming’s late, there’s aliens in the Deep State.” 


October 22, 2021

Outstanding reporting from Romania (RECORDER): "The Great White Clan"

From the RECORDER investigative journalist:

"after 8 months of undercover investigation I discovered a secret network in which businessmen, politicians and prelates from the top of the Church work hand in hand in a mega-business: the construction and rehabilitation of churches with public money. All this network operates with the blessing of the most powerful person in the Romanian Orthodox Church, whom his people call the Great White"

September 17, 2021

August 3, 2021

My book - among the 100 Best Number Theory Books of All Time

Sequential Experiments with Primes made it to the 100 Best Number Theory Books of All Time @ At least, an undergraduate math professor has been there! Thank you! :-)


"not everything that counts can be counted..."

`Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.'  ~William Bruce Cameron... that's an appropriate motto for this most interesting opinion piece, indeed food for thought from The Conversation:  

Our obsession with metrics is corrupting science

The final paragraph poses a good question and points out to the emergence of an opposition to the "h-index" hysteria, built on the idea that content is more important than metrics. As it should be!

"Does the h-index indicate anything other than a high citation rate, whatever that may mean otherwise? Ironically, science and hypothesis testing is needed. For example: do researchers with high h-indices contribute anything of more significance than those with lower ones? Internationally, opposition has taken the form of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). Institutions are urged to acknowledge that the scientific content of a paper is more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published. Content rather than metrics is what ought to count."



July 28, 2021

Francis Su: How does mathematics contribute to human flourishing?

“Those of us who do math for a living actually are drawn to math often because of this exploratory nature, and we love the creativity,” Su said. “The argument that I make is that these virtues carry over to other areas of your life.”

Read Francis Su: How does mathematics contribute to human flourishing?

July 15, 2021

"SEQUENTIAL EXPERIMENTS WITH PRIMES" - past its 4th anniversary


My book Sequential Experiments with Primes got past its 4th anniversary (it was released on July 3, 2017). This is a news story from the local (Ada OH) newspaper "Ada Icon" on 8/28/2017

July 4, 2021

Chalkboard picture - to remember

Local problem group (ONU-SOLVE) working on a problem proposed by M. Tetiva (problem 12126, American Mathematical Monthly). That was a very nice evening!

© Mihai Caragiu


June 29, 2021

Memories: math summer camps for the gifted (SAHI at Ohio Northern, 2015)



Beautiful minds: gifted students participating in the 2015 ONU Summer Academic Honors Institute - Cryptography Camp

© Mihai Caragiu


June 22, 2021

"White Math" or Sergiu Klainerman's straw man - excerpts from a discussion

Barry Weiss (right wing commentator) quotes Sergiu Klainerman (“There is no such thing as “White” Math” – “The idea that focusing on getting the “right answer” is now considered among some self-described progressives a form of bias or racism is offensive and extraordinarily dangerous.”. Klainerman’s position was shared to a group which, even if democratic-leaning, frequently exhibits the inherent (albeit natural) tensions between “progressives” and “centrists”. Some reactions (out of many) below. First of all, the document on which Klainerman builds his strawman can be found at “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction”, . Now, excerpts from the (many) group comments, and staying away from the few occasional clusters of nonsensical sarcasms and aggressive ad-hominem (yes, there were those too), but other than that, it was overall an interesting discussion. 

“(to OP) Strawman after strawman. No, 2+2=4 is not "white math". The critique of how science has been instrumentalized to oppress people doesn't require that you take issue with the 2+2=4 convention. To harp on that is to miss the whole point - intentionally or unintentionally.” (RS)

 “(to OP) The problem with this position is that it responds, like RS says, to straw men. And we rarely take the time to actually read the whole original document and we only remember these arguments. So what is wrong, for instance, with not focusing on the right answer but focusing instead on the understanding of concepts and reasoning? A change of focus doesn’t discard the importance of the right answer. Also, to compare the totalitarian regime with strong societal trends based on the science of learning and other types of research (because these people didn’t wake up one morning and dreamed all these plans) is to really misunderstand both totalitarianism and democracy. Also, math instruction is not the same as math as a discipline. If we want to have real debates in this group about these topics I say we consider the primary sources instead of articles like this one. We can do better, seriously.” (MLP) 

“Again. It's not about math but math education (when people say "math" instead of "math education" think of it as a metonymy. When you look at the actual arguments you'll discover that the conversation is about math pedagogy).” (MLP)

 “(to RS) yeah, I guess my argument was it's engineers that are guilty, not engineering per se. Math in a book is harmless, it's how we use the math. I guess I'm against the sensationalist articles that are like "math is white and evil", when math on its own is just science in a book.” (AV) 

 “(to AV) I understand. But I've really very, very rarely encountered an article in which someone argues that "math is white and evil". This is usually the caricature of a much more insightful argument (made along the lines I tried to lay out above), and is usually to be found in right-wing publications. No one has a problem with knowledge about the physical world in and of itself. But that's just it - knowledge is never in and of itself. And so its uses are legitimately open to criticism.” (RS) 

 “(to OP) I don't think anyone would debate the value of education in exact sciences, but the emphasis and the way it is applied in a mercantile world dominated by whites, male whites.” (BC) 

 “(to BC) Precisely. Things *in themselves* are useless and meaningless. They derive their utility and their meaning from their USE by people. So when you evaluate a *thing* (a technology, an ideology, etc.), you must look at how it's used. Simply saying "This thing is not racist ! It's just a thing!" is a simple strawman. No one ever means to say the thing itself is racist; rather its design facilitates oppressive practices. THAT's the discussion we always need to have about every technology we invent (from writing to clothes to buildings to plastic toy cars to, yes, math education).” (RS) 

“(to RS) Simply saying "this thing is racist" is a strawman as well. Not focusing on the "woke" overreach is an enormous mistake in my view. […] Also, since when is math "white"? The Arabs invented place value and we owe them the numerical system we use. Indians and Arabs invented the numeral zero. Al Ghibran gave us algebra. What "oppressive practices" does math facilitate? None since it is essentially neutral. Seri Klainerman, who I know, was drawn in this precisely because of overreach. In the name of fighting racism and sexism we are racializing and gendering everything, even when it is not warranted.” (MD) 

 “(to MD) As I explained above, I would never say "this thing is racist." As for the "woke" overreach, I've seen it happen - but it doesn't happen when people discuss, IN GOOD FAITH, whether a brilliant female physicist could have attained Einstein's fame (or why Einstein had to come to the US to have his genius recognized), or the way math is taught in school or the way technology is designed and used (see my points above). I can't answer your question "What "oppressive practices" does math facilitate? None since it is essentially neutral" again - I already tackled that above. […]Again, no one is seriously saying that the thing itself (math) is racist. I don't know what we need to do to get beyond this strawman.” (RS)

 “(to OP) More precisely, and to be fair, it says ( page 66) "when the focus is ONLY (emphasis mine) on getting the right answer, the complexity of the mathematical concepts and reasoning may be underdeveloped, missing opportunities for deep learning". And later on the same page of the document "Of course, most math problems have correct answers, but sometimes there can be more than one way to interpret a problem, especially word problems, leading to more than one possible right answer. And teaching math isn't just about solving specific problems. It's about helping students understand the deeper mathematical concepts so that they can apply them throughout their lives. Students can arrive at the right answer without grasping the bigger concept; or they can have an “aha” moment when they see why they got an answer wrong. Sometimes a wrong answer sheds more light than a right answer." So the idea is actually that there often is MORE than the right answer (math modeling or multiple valid proofs, for example). Now about showing work. Again, whoever reads the document more carefully will get to page 55, where under "Ask yourself: How and why am I asking students to show their work?" it is said: "The point should be to have a dialogue about their process and their learning, not require every student to follow the exact same path to the right answer. The child of immigrants might have learned a different way to solve a problem because that’s how their parents were taught where they grew up. If we just tell that student their way is the wrong way, we risk turning them off to math for life. If we take the opportunity to explore why there are different ways to approach the same problem, it can be a learning moment for the entire class." There is nothing wrong with that. The problem with Klainerman's March 2, 2021 straw man (as rightfully called by RS, since nobody argues that math itself is "racist") is that it comes suspiciously soon after his infamous November 2, 2020 Newsweek article "Why I will vote for Trump". Clearly the author has a problem with the current inclusivity/equity ascending trend ("woke:" or whatever he calls it, who cares) in mathematics and mathematics education. Problems that received more formal and careful attention all around US (by the major Math organizations American Mathematics Society AMS and (especially) the Mathematical Association of America MAA - to say nothing by NCTM) than the rather marginal document sent to Oregon's Department of Education (so, just sent, that's all). But marginal is OK, for Klainerman since it's an easier prey and also an easier way to make his GOP buddies happy.” (MC) 

 “(to MC) God, I love that document! It sounds like it was written by my mother (if she would be abke to conceptualize the way she did and does teaching). By the, Romanian and Russian pupils do have problems in American school because they solve math problems (different from Americans - more elegant and in a more abstract way). Myself, preferring algebra to arithmetic, and having an early tendency toward abstractization, I've ended more than once in a conflict with my teachers, as I've used a more algebraic solution to arithmetical problems.” (MB) 

 “(to MC) You mention Klainerman wrote about why he voted for Trump? How is that more relevant than who you or I voted for? We are back to imputing the motives of those who we don't agree with.” (MD) 

“(to MD) Not that Klainerman voted for Trump matters here, but the manner he keeps announcing this as a sort of war waged against the "woke people" (to be more precise, he means those who are looking for inclusiveness and equity in mathematics - this definitely clouds his judgement when it comes, for example, to the document sent to ODE, so that does matter and is relevant). Again, about "right answers", read the document sent to Oregon where it appears (page 66) "Of course, most math problems have correct answers [! no argument here], but sometimes there can be more than one way to interpret a problem, especially word problems, leading to more than one possible right answer. And teaching math isn't just about solving specific problems. It's about helping students understand the deeper mathematical concepts so that they can apply them throughout their lives. Students can arrive at the right answer without grasping the bigger concept; or they can have an “aha” moment when they see why they got an answer wrong. Sometimes a wrong answer sheds more light than a right answer.". I see nothing wrong in principle with that. Many reasonably complex problems (most math modeling don't have "complete answers", and there are multiple ways to derive a mathematical truth). Again, about "showing work", at page 55 you can find "The point should be to have a dialogue about their process and their learning, not require every student to follow the exact same path to the right answer. The child of immigrants might have learned a different way to solve a problem because that’s how their parents were taught where they grew up. If we just tell that student their way is the wrong way, we risk turning them off to math for life. If we take the opportunity to explore why there are different ways to approach the same problem, it can be a learning moment for the entire class.", Again, there is nothing particularly outrageous or controversial here, About the NYC Board of Education statements, let me spare you the effort and tell you that working as a College Math educator for 25 plus years (we even have a Math Education major here), I have seen it all, in particular I have seen many things issued by boards across the country of education I don't agree with, but it is not my intent to expand the playing field with issues unrelated to the original post, I simply don't have time for that - still, I can only say that in my experience the damage done by conservatives in the educational process exceeds by far the the damage done by so-called "woke". The document referred to in the OP is not particularly bad, and not the best either, and it would have remained a rather obscure document if it weren't for conservatives transforming it into a "major talking point" (may be a talking point for Sosoaca & co, by now, I guess :) ) in their fight against those who care about diversity and inclusion in math education (aka, the "woke"). Actually all of this is much ado about nothing - I just looked at the K-12 mathematics standards as listed by the Oregon Department of Education - they are strong and effective. So... math goes on :)” (MC) 

“(to MC) you are making my argument." sometimes there can be more than one way to interpret a problem, especially word problems, leading to more than one possible right answer." Precisely. The wording is the problem, not the math. As it regards "showing your work" far from being racist, it helps and protects the student who may have found a different way to the CORRECT answer. It also helps in pointing out where, if that is the case, a mistake happened. In the 50's in Romania, when I was learning elementary arithmetic, you had to write the reasoning (judecata) . Then you did the operations. The reasoning was 75% of the credit. This, plus the inclusion of needed rote learning (the multiplication tables) and the scaffolding of skills (such as approximation and rounding off), plus the repetitive pages of calculations I hated at the time, helped build "number sense" something completely lacking in most US students. See "Innumeracy" for more on this.” (MD) 

“(to MD) Yet, at least for more subtle modeling (optimization, simulation) problems, wording = math, as different ways to frame a problem could generate very different mathematical approaches (and with very different implications). At least you agree with authors of the document, who are against the "only one way" clause. Now let's get to "showing the work" clause, the authors of the document elaborated in the sense of not requiring the students to follow the *same* path It is *that* requirement they associate with racism, but if you agree with letting students follow other paths, then we have no disagreement (that's what the authors of the document say). With the proviso that an "ultimate correct answer" may not exist or not known (sometimes it is the case in various types of problems). Students must be allow to exercise and learn in an open ended inquiry mode (as it is the case for many reasonably complex modeling problems - that may be helpful for students in minority/tribal communities.” (MC) 

“(to MD) Oh, I have no doubt that Klainerman and T[G] know their math. But I would claim a modicum of expertise, too, in the field of critical pedagogy. At the very least, I can explain the fundamental principles of the critical turn of social science, where this critique of the scientific narrative comes from. (And no, this critique has nothing to do with the Republicans' denial of natural phenomena. It's a VERY different kind of critique.)” (RS) 

“(to OP) The moment we start arguing that math is racist everything is lost. Mathematicians can be racist, but math is NEVER racist.” (CA) 

“(to CA) Pentru ca insisti sa crezi ca discutia se poarta intre cei care zic ca "Math is racist" si cei care zic ca nu e. Stiu ca e intellectually satisfying sa te bati cu idioti care spun ca teorema lui Pitagora e rasista, dar pur si simplu nu asta e discutia - nici aici, nici in general in spatiul public (mai putin in mass-medoa conservatoare, vezi Bari Weiss mai sus, care loves making a caricature of progressive arguments).” (RS) 

“(to RS) Check Francis Su (past President of the Mathematical Association of America), from Harvey Mudd College, he is a central force in the long overdue drive towards inclusivity (he would say Math for Human Flourishing as in the title of his recent award winning book)” (MC) 

“(to OP) Si Sergiu Nu-Stiu-Cum comite o greseala esentiala - de identificare a domeniului de cunoastere. Problema pe care incearca el sa o abordeze nu tine de matematica, ci de sociologie. Si nu cunoaste nici macar atata sociologie cat sa inteleaga asta. [...] "Communism had a strong sense of objective reality anchored in the belief that humans are capable of discovering universal truths" - nu asa functioneaza stiinta.... Omul asta ar trebui sa invete niste epistemologie a fizicii (ca sa pornim de la stiinta cea mai simpla). "And it was a great equalizer: those from socioeconomically disadvantaged families had a chance to compete on equal footing with those from privileged ones" - asta nu e adevarat nici macar azi. Cel mai puternic predictor al rezultatelor la testele PISA la matematica, in Romania, e numarul de carti aflate in casa in care a crescut elevul.... Si ponderea elevilor din mediul rural care ajungeau sa faca liceul varia undeva intre 10% si 20% (fiind considerabil mai ridicat in mediul urban) - despre ce vorbim aici?!? Ii recomand sa studieze niste rapoarte ale Indicelui Dezvoltarii Umane - asa, cronologic si transversal. "Those born in poor, uneducated families have clear educational disadvantages relative to others. But mathematics can act as a powerful equalizer. Maica-mea a avut unele rezultate cu mine invatandu-ma matematica - si cu totul altele in scoala ei sateasca. Asta desi metoda ei a fost aceeasi (si desi rezultatele ei au fost peste medie in ambele cazuri). Dar egalizator? Mnu. Si nu cred ca sunt mai inteligentx decat toti acei elevi de la sat - dar ma fost mai bine hranitx, am avut timp exclusiv pt invatatura si am avut parinti de la care sa invat, incepand din primele luni de viata. Recomand articolele si cartea lui Sebastian Toc despre educatie in Romania: [...] In concluzie, slab text. Omul are nevoie sa ia niste cursuri 101 de stiinte sociale. O fi bun el la matematici superioare, dar in intelegerea societatii e praf. E ok, nu e niciodata prea tarziu pt A Doua Sansa! [...] Si ca sa inchei: din experienta mea de om care a trait intre persoane care chiar stiau matematica, si realmente o intelegeau si practicau, la un nivel care mie mi-e inaccesibil (in ciuda gandirii mele logice si a coeficientului meu ridicat de inteligenta) - de fapt, matematica e mul[t] mai aproape de poezie decat de stiintele naturii (fizica avansata ii seamna, iarasi, intr-o anumita masura). Rezultatul corect conteaza in matematica - dar, din cate am vazut eu, eleganta conteaza si mai mult. Unii oameni "vad" matematica, asa cum unii oameni (inclusiv eu?) vad poezia, iar altii "vad" muzica. E o zona extrem de rarefiata, matematica avansata, care nu are mare lucru in comun cu ingineria si tehnologia (care de obicei se bazeaza pe matematica de un nivel mult mai inferior). Are mult mai multa treaba cu inspiratia decat cu rationalul. Asta de la mine, ca om care a crescut admirand oameni care aveau darul asta.” (MB) 

“(to OP) Si acum, dupa toata batalia, ramane o curiozitate: cati au citit documentul la care se face referire in text (Pathway...) si de la care s-au inflamat spiritele (si ma refer la citit cu atentie, toate cele 83 de pagini) si cine a citit cel putin o evaluare critica a acestuia. Cred astfel se puteau evita multe neintelegeri. Documentul merita citit pentru ca are o multime de puncte valide care nu au fost luate in seama. Merita si criticat pentru ca are si exagerari si nu e o enciclica papala pe care trebuie sa o inghitim cu evlavie pe nerasuflate.” (ACU) 

“(to ACU) Bineînțeles că documentul e nuanțat. They always are. Doar o parte a criticilor insistă pe o simplificare caricaturală a mesajului.” (RS) 

“(to ACU) Chestia e ca postarea nu e despre documentul acela, ci despre abureala de articol din OP.” (MB) 

“(to MB, RS) I definitely learned quite a bit, and even changed my mind a little *gasp*! I think this was pretty well moderated for a facebook "debate" and at least for me, rather productive. I enjoyed your resources and the time you put in!” (AV) 

 “(to AV) yes, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Only one person was inexplicably aggressive.” (MB)

May 24, 2021

Ograda minunata

Un fragment din ograda noii mele case (curtea are 1 hectar si jumatate).

© Mihai Caragiu


May 19, 2021

Dusty in memoriam


One year since Dusty passed away!

Until we meet again, my dear friend

© Mihai Caragiu


May 17, 2021

Being a professor from the heart

Written and Performed By: Arthur Benjamin, Mike Orrison, Francis Su, and Heather Zinn-Brooks 

Edited By: Ariel Benjamin 

Harvey Mudd College 

May 9, 2021

$29.00 - Tom Waits

From the 1978 Blue Valentine album

Don Shewey of Rolling Stone found that Blue Valentine "is as solid a record as Waits has made", and that its best songs "rank high among the sentimental sagas that contain Tom Waits' strongest writing."