December 29, 2020

A human archaeology attempt - rediscovering my sister (1)

Below I present her last uploaded picture - that was on February 25, 2015 (less than 2 months before her passing), followed by her two book recommendations (a few months after my visit to Romania, when we discussed at length about her views on Twin Peaks). Of course every such `archaeology' is incomplete - human beings are of course incredibly complex.




December 22, 2020

Nana in memoriam - after 10 years

10 years ago (December 22, 2010) our beloved sheltie Nana died. She will never be forgotten - her concentrated personhood will accompany our humanity, our love, our dreams and our memories forever.

© Mihai Caragiu


December 17, 2020

Conservative credo in a nutshell

Every life counts until they are born... 

Heard it stated by Chris Cuomo (Prime Time, December 16 )

December 12, 2020

Alice Coltrane: Turiya & Ramakrishna

"Alice Coltrane (née McLeod, August 27, 1937 – January 12, 2007), also known by her adopted Sanskrit name Turiyasangitananda or Turiya Alice Coltrane, was an American jazz musician and composer, and in her later years a swamini. One of the few harpists in the history of jazz, she recorded many albums as a bandleader, beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s for Impulse! and other major record labels. She was married to jazz saxophonist and composer John Coltrane, with whom she performed in 1966–67." (

November 13, 2020

The lipstick on a pig propaganda strategy

An interesting dynamics encompasses the agitprop routine of Adrian Papahagi, a Romanian right-wing influencer waving a doctoral degree (certainly the degree is an asset in his PR strategy). 

The strategy is simple: alternate sticks and carrots. 

The `sticks' are pieces of lame, yucky right-wing apologetics, like trump and bannon BS stuff. The `carrots' are `cultural' pieces, periodically inserted to sweeten the `show' (feeding them art, history, religion and the `wonder' of `good old religious times', you know, as opposed to how bad it is now 😒 with sexo-marxism taking over the world). 

The immediate impression is of that of a con-man attempting to play a dual confidence trick on the audience: on one side the constant attempt to convince them that he is an accomplished academic (may not really be the case, but it works well on some types with a BS-alert organ anesthetized when they hear about prestige claims). On the other hand, inoculating the right-wing propaganda, at appropriate moments (and in controlled amounts - following the model of slow boiling the frog's water), in the approving brains of the participants (some unsuspecting and otherwise of good faith) in the show. 

Ultimately it's the impression (between sad and grotesque) of a lipstick on a pig technique to disseminate right wing ideological cliches to Romania, by coupling them with 'feel-good' cultural additives.

In fairness, Papahagi is not the only Romanian right-winger playing this game. There are worse nutcases - such as the so-called "Prof. Dr." Mihail Neamtu or the "self-employed Dr." Ovidiu Hurduzeu shamelessly spreading QAnon nonsensical propaganda (the difference may be due to context: for now Papahagi is employed by an university, while Neamtu and Hurduzeu are not).

Conservatism and democracy (particularly relevant in today's context)

Via @BillKristol : 

"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum

October 31, 2020

Cind dimbovitenii il instruiesc pe papa despre linia dreapta!

Preiau un post al lui Dan Ungureanu pe FB:

”Mai catolic decît papa”
Am trăit s-o văd și pe asta.
Papa Francisc declară că nu se opune uniunilor civile între homosexuali. Pe situl înliniedreaptă, Anca Cernea explică :
1) a zis și el așa, într-o doară.
2) papa Francisc e un intrus neomarxist.
3) papa Francisc nu înțelege ce-i cu catolicismul și cu creștinismul.
4) ea, Anca Cernea, l-a mai avertizat părintește, dar el nu și nu.

Acum 3 ani plasasem un comentariu pe pagina 1-dimensionalilor de dreapta, e amuzant ca-i acum in capul listei "most helpful" :-)


September 7, 2020

John Henry Bonham's Moby Dick

This Led Zeppelin piece is like an elaborated mathematical paper (that you feel absolutely worth reading - reason which gives you strength to continue), and so when it reaches the conclusion (that can be continuously anticipated, though), there is that feeling of peace, contentment and growth - like yes, now everything connects - that does it - sort of feeling.

August 12, 2020

QAnon and religion as real-time participatory fantasies

The Atlantic discusses the "new American religion" known as QAnon. It's a very interesting cover story in an elite magazine. I think we can go further, though: what is here and now deemed as a "real-time participatory conspiracy theory" (QAnon) is only a special form (maybe extreme and certainly ugly, but fundamentally not different from an analytical point of view) of social unfolding of religious phenomena as real-time participatory fantasies (inherently fact-free or fact-shy, especially in their emergence stage). We are witnessing interesting things, albeit a little sad and probably dangerous as well. 

June 17, 2020

Tinerete fara batrinete - Mixie

Acum circa o luna Mixie a avut un o sinuzita complicata.

A trebuit sa mergem la cabinetul veterinar de urgenta din Lima. Pentru $432 au facut analize si i s-a dat un antibiotic. In 5 zile a fost ca noua 😍
Mixie a depasit 16 ani, o virsta la care probleme ca aceasta apar, din nefericire. Cu toate acestea, este intr-un perpetuu "kittenhood". O copilarie continua. Noi, purtatorii de grija umani, am vrea, bineinteles, ca minunatii nostri prieteni felini si canini sa traiasca in continuu: o tinerete fara batranete.

Ieri Mixie a facut ceva uimitor si amuzant. Poate voia sa-si arate ei insasi ca e "still in the game".

La un moment dat se avinta brusc pe casa, urcind direct pe plasa exterioara a patio-ului, trecind de o surplomba riscanta, pentru a se opri apoi 10 minute, in liniste deplina, pe acoperis, contemplind cartierul.

Dupa care, cu aceeasi viteza, se repede in partea opusa a acoperisului, coboara rapid pe crengile dudului din colt, pentru ca in final sa intre in casa, asezindu-se satisfacuta pe scaunul sau preferat - locul unde, de obicei, doarme extensiv.

Zen felin.
Photo © Mihai Caragiu

June 4, 2020

Pattee Library

Pictured here is a google maps snapshot of McKee Hall. Here is where I lived during the first years of graduate studies, listening almost continuously and exclusively to Bruce Springsteen (my roommate Bill was a big fan, and probably me and all McKee became big fans too). Worked on a lot of different math things ranging from Rogers-Ramanujan stuff, matrix models and string theory, computational complexity, codes and curves over finite fields. I was fortunate that the giant labyrinthine Pattee Library was very close. Pretty much like in Borges' Babel Library, the lights in Pattee's stacks were generally dim, as in the anticipation of a last minute sudden enlightenment or an uncovering of pieces of forgotten history laying dormant in an old, barely noticeable volume. Or maybe it was echoing in a mysteriously dark way the 1969 still unsolved and heartbreaking murder of the graduate student Betsy Aardsma in Pattee Library. In any case, getting out of Pattee after a couple of hours spent in the underground was a remarkable event whether outside was day or night. Getting out of the Library on a sunny day has an amazing effect (the satori of discontinuity) on somebody who spends hours studying in dark corners. On the other hand, exiting the Library while outside is dark too is also a great experience (the satori of continuity), due to the fact that it is not really a similarity, outside you can enjoy a late dinner at Ye Olde College Diner while continuing to wonder about the recent time spent in the Library.

June 1, 2020

Diamonds in the rough

A favorite pastime in the high school years: keep wandering along the remote railways and other similarly semi-deserted places in the city. On one hand it was probably the sensation of discovery and adventure because simply put, I was not familiar with the area, so it was sort of wow, that's something new, which way I go now - a state of mind that lasted for hours. On another hand, these long walks presented me the opportunity to became a witness to bits and pieces of the forgotten or abandoned life's puzzle, in the littering thrown around from the trains or by the residents of the communist era housing units. As an added bonus, there were wonderful poppy flowers everywhere. So in a sense there was a great deal diversity along the way. But the most essential thing was that, during each one of those long walks, a sense of undetermined awakening (albeit slow) developed in me - so that everything ended with a promise to come back.

May 27, 2020

space of thoughts

"In zazen, leave your front door and your back door open.
Let thoughts come and go. Just don't serve them tea"

What is the orthogonal complement of the space of thoughts?
A sudden glimpse of it may be an outcome of zazen.

May 20, 2020

Dusty, beloved feline and family member (April 14, 2004 - May 19, 2020)

So, yesterday we came from school and found Dusty dead by his favorite chair, after 16+ years of being a loved family member. It was in a sense so peaceful, even his death without any forewarning (probably a heart attack) was a considerate act of ultimate love. RIP my love! HE LIVED A GOOD AND LONG LIFE!
Photo © Mihai Caragiu


May 19, 2020

Soros matters

The Open Society Foundation mattered for me in a very important moment, and for that I will be forever grateful. It still matters and continues to be a symbol for those hoping to see the society free from the shackles of primitive tribalism and fundamentalism.

When I left Romania for Penn State in 1992,  the generosity of the Romanian section (led by Sandra Pralong) of George Soros' Open Society Foundation helped me to cover my one-way plane ticket to New York City, upon showing them the acceptance letter from Penn State.

From there, Penn State colleagues who came to JFK for me gave me a ride to State College, PA (a very long and noisy 5 hours ride). That is another act of human kindness for which I will never forget.

Just thinking about the multitude of people doing kind things makes you a better human being.

May 11, 2020

3M - mind, math, meditation (not necessarily in that order)

`Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth
The Diamond Sutra
I rediscovered this a few minutes ago... and I suddenly realized that it describes not only the essence/nature of meditation, but the essence/root of mathematical discovery as well. 

Mind, matter, universe appear to be grounded in this 'nowhere'/emptiness (often seen as `beginning', but that may not be the case) in that every meditation, every mathematical discovery recreates the otherwise elusive `coming forth', leaving one absolutely surprised by this Planck-scale illumination.

April 30, 2020

Ancient Love and the imminent self-rediscovery

For me personally Anoushka Shankar's music conveys a feeling of imminent `self-rediscovery', building bridges to a long-lost self. Does the self change? Better yet, can we speak about the self? Is it real? Not clear. Maybe yes and no in the sense of a sort of `quantum superposition' of such states. The paradox is in that even the non-existence of the self is formative. Dechen Palmo's video production is very helpful in said rediscovery.
`Rise, by contrast, incorporated jazz, pop, and pan-ethnic world music textures in an unpredictable melange. At the center of it all are Shankar's sitar expertise and traditional Indian roots.'

April 29, 2020

A mindfulness exercise: Sri Aurobindo - "The Self's Infinity" (1939)

Sri Aurobindo marked a special moment of my mindfulness quest in the early-to-mid 1980's. Remembering his poetry style offers me a practical insight, over the years, into my own self.  Hopefully I will remember more.

Here's his sonnet "The Self's Infinity" (1939).

The Self’s Infinity

I have become what before Time I was.
A secret touch has quieted thought and sense:
All things by the agent Mind created pass
Into a void and mute magnificence.

My life is a silence grasped by timeless hands;
The world is drowned in an immortal gaze.
Naked my spirit from its vestures stands;
I am alone with my own self for space.

My heart is a centre of infinity,
My body a dot in the soul’s vast expanse.
All being’s huge abyss wakes under me,
Once screened in a gigantic Ignorance.

A momentless immensity pure and bare,
I stretch to an eternal everywhere.


April 26, 2020

A yellow sale bargain

Today, Springer notified me of some bargains in a yellow sale. I am proud to have been ordered a book on a topic and author that marked (alongside model theory) my mathematical upbringing:
Peter Roquette
The Riemann Hypothesis in Characteristic p in Historical Perspective

April 24, 2020

Primes - renewing the adventure

I would very much like to continue this adventure.

Schrodinger cat

I though of a self-assessment in the Schrodinger cat form, where the dead/alive cat gets pair gets replaced by a believer/agnostic pair (as Toma Caragiu was, and with high probability, Carmen as well). 

Now I am moving more towards an agnostic/atheist pair (with a mindfulness added flavor), and an increased awareness that the reality under the "believer" category (whatever that is, if any) is very different from what most people usually believe or expect without questioning.

In fact this represents rather well the substance and philosophical tone of my discussions with Carmen in the Summer of 2013, in Ploiesti. It was very interesting, and at some moment will be back with an account.

Since her passing, some concerted effort was made to "benevolently" forge her image as somebody totally committed to the orthodox dogma in the highest sense (which was far from the truth), going as far as burying her (who did not believe in the usual "mandatory sacraments") in a monastery. Knowing her, that's a gross cultural appropriation at a minimum.

There is a lot to discover about Carmen, since she was a complex figure (in no case 1D). In any case, approximating reality after the fact is hard.

April 6, 2020

Theology and science - signing off

In the last 20 years I authored or co-authored a couple of things on religion and science, theology and science, orthodox theology and science, and so on. Truthful to my evolution in the last six years, I am signing off from such a view. Especially in Romania, virtually all theology and science - related body of work starts from the strong assumption that theological dogma is, in a form or another, an absolute given, while somehow science must `illuminate' the `eternal truth' , attempting to offer validity, or claiming to establish an added bonus or certification of validity to said `absolute'. Such an approach seems to me deeply and fundamentally flawed. Even if there may have been occasionally some interesting points here and there, I am gladly forfeiting them all so that they will not leave any room for potential misunderstandings. Here and now I am explicitly distancing myself from whatever I wrote at the `theology/science' interface.

At this point in time, it seems to me that the right approach would be that of an agnostic/atheist who considers religion/theology a phenomenon that is real - but in the sense of it being a natural (or nature-based) phenomenon that is serious enough to warrant a natural explanation, simulations, network-based analyses, neurological, many-body, etc. Paradoxically, such natural-based insights may offer illuminations that are more rewarding than the whole `make theology great again through (improperly) associating it with science' paradigm I am signing off from.